Serial Port Parity

  1. Serial Port Cable
  2. Serial Port Parity None
  3. Rs232 Parity Bit
  4. Serial Port Parity To Verify
  5. Serial Port Parity Replace
  6. Serial Port Parity C#

'port'Serial port name
character vector | string

Public abstract class SerialPort extends CommPort. An RS-232 serial communications port. SerialPort describes the low-level interface to a serial communications port made available by the underlying system. SerialPort defines the minimum required functionality for serial communications ports. Author: Jagane Sundar See Also. Note: The serial port is always opened with exclusive access (that is, no other process or thread can access an already opened serial port). Use the close method to close the port and cancel the I/O operations. Having successfully opened, QSerialPort tries to determine the current configuration of the port and initializes itself. The port is in an invalid state.or-An attempt to set the state of the underlying port failed. For example, the parameters passed from this SerialPort object were invalid.

Serial port name, specified as a character vector or string. The seriallist function provides a list of available serial ports. You must specify the port to create a serial port object.

The port name depends on the platform that the serial port is on. This list is an example of serial constructors on different platforms:

PlatformSerial Port Constructor
Linux® 64s = serial('/dev/ttyS0')
macOS 64s = serial('/dev/tty.KeySerial1')
Windows® 64s = serial('COM1')

Example: s = serial('COM1')

Data Types: char | string

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Serial Port Parity

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

Example: s = serial('COM2','BaudRate',1200,'DataBits',7);

For a list of serial port object properties that you can use with serial, refer to Property Reference.


Port must be the first argument used to create the serial object. You can then follow port with any number of supported name-value pairs.

'BaudRate'Rate at which bits are transmitted
9600 (default) | double

Rate at which bits are transmitted, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'BaudRate' and a double. You configure baud rate as bits per second. The transferred bits include the start bit, the data bits, the parity bit (if used), and the stop bits. However, only the data bits are stored.

The baud rate is the rate at which information is transferred in a communication channel. In the serial port context, 9600 baud means that the serial port is capable of transferring a maximum of 9600 bits per second. If the information unit is one baud (one bit), the bit rate and the baud rate are identical. If one baud is given as 10 bits, (for example, eight data bits plus two framing bits), the bit rate is still 9600 but the baud rate is 9600/10, or 960. You always configure BaudRate as bits per second.


Both the computer and the peripheral device must be configured to the same baud rate before you can successfully read or write data.

Standard baud rates include 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000, and 256000 bits per second.

You can also set the BaudRate property after creating the serial object using this syntax:

Example: s = serial('COM1','BaudRate',4800);

Data Types: double

'ByteOrder'Byte order of the device
littleEndian (default) | bigEndian

Byte order of the device, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ByteOrder' and littleEndian or bigEndian. If ByteOrder is littleEndian, the device stores the first byte in the first memory address. If ByteOrder is bigEndian, the device stores the last byte in the first memory address.

For example, suppose the hexadecimal value 4F52 is to be stored in device memory. Because this value consists of two bytes, 4F and 52, two memory locations are used. Using big-endian format, 4F is stored first in the lower storage address. Using little-endian format, 52 is stored first in the lower storage address.

The byte order of littleEndian is the default and is used in read and write operations if you do not specify the property. You need to specify the property only to change the byte order to bigEndian.

You can also set the ByteOrder property after creating the serial object using this syntax:


Configure ByteOrder to the appropriate value for your device before performing a read or write operation. Refer to your device documentation for information about the order in which it stores bytes.

Example: s = serial('COM1','ByteOrder','bigEndian');

Data Types: char | string

'DataBits'Number of data bits to transmit
8 (default) | 5 | 6 | 7

Number of data bits to transmit, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'DataBits' and 5, 6, 7, or 8, which is the default. Data is transmitted as a series of five, six, seven, or eight bits with the least significant bit sent first. At least seven data bits are required to transmit ASCII characters. Eight bits are required to transmit binary data. Five-bit and six-bit data formats are used for specialized communications equipment.


Both the computer and the peripheral device must be configured to transmit the same number of data bits.

Serial Port Cable

In addition to the data bits, the serial data format consists of a start bit, one or two stop bits, and possibly a parity bit. You specify the number of stop bits with the StopBits property, and the type of parity checking with the Parity property.

You can also set the DataBits property after creating the serial object using this syntax:

Example: s = serial('COM1','DataBits',7);

Data Types: double

'Parity'Type of parity checking
none (default) | odd | even | mark | space

Type of parity checking, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Parity' and none, odd, even, mark, or space.


Default. No parity checking. Parity checking is not performed and the parity bit is not transmitted.


Odd parity checking. The number of mark bits (1s) in the data is counted, and the parity bit is asserted or unasserted to obtain an odd number of mark bits.


Even parity checking. The number of mark bits in the data is counted, and the parity bit is asserted or unasserted to obtain an even number of mark bits.


Mark parity checking. The parity bit is asserted.


Space parity checking. The parity bit is unasserted.

Parity checking can detect errors of one bit only. An error in two bits might cause the data to have a seemingly valid parity, when in fact it is incorrect.

In addition to the parity bit, the serial data format consists of a start bit, between five and eight data bits, and one or two stop bits. You specify the number of data bits with the DataBits property, and the number of stop bits with the StopBits property.

You can also set the Parity property after creating the serial object using this syntax:

Example: s = serial('COM1','Parity','even');

Data Types: char | string

'StopBits'Number of bits used to indicate the end of a byte
1 (default) | 1.5 | 2

Number of bits used to indicate the end of a byte, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'StopBits' and 1, 1.5, or 2. If StopBits is 1, one stop bit is used to indicate the end of data transmission. If StopBits is 2, two stop bits are used to indicate the end of data transmission. If StopBits is 1.5, the stop bit is transferred for 150% of the normal time used to transfer one bit.


Both the computer and the peripheral device must be configured to transmit the same number of stop bits.

Summary of the possible values:

Serial Port Parity None


Default. One stop bit is transmitted to indicate the end of a byte.


The stop bit is transferred for 150% of the normal time used to transfer one bit.


Two stop bits are transmitted to indicate the end of a byte.

In addition to the stop bits, the serial data format consists of a start bit, between five and eight data bits, and possibly a parity bit. You specify the number of data bits with the DataBits property, and the type of parity checking with the Parity property.

You can also set the StopBits property after creating the serial object using this syntax:

Example: s = serial('COM1','StopBits',2);

Rs232 Parity Bit

Data Types: double

Serial Port Parity To Verify

Terminator character, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Terminator' and a string. You can configure Terminator to an integer value ranging from 0 to 127, which represents the ASCII code for the character, or you can configure Terminator to the ASCII character. For example, to configure Terminator to a carriage return, specify the value to be CR or 13. To configure Terminator to a linefeed, specify the value to be LF or 10. You can also set Terminator to CR/LF or LF/CR. If Terminator is CR/LF, the terminator is a carriage return followed by a line feed. If Terminator is LF/CR, the terminator is a linefeed followed by a carriage return. Note that there are no integer equivalents for these two values.

Serial Port Parity Replace

Additionally, you can set Terminator to a 1-by-2 cell array. The first element of the cell is the read terminator and the second element of the cell array is the write terminator.

When performing a write operation using the fprintf function, all occurrences of n are replaced with the Terminator property value. Note that %sn is the default format for fprintf. A read operation with fgetl, fgets, or fscanf completes when the Terminator value is read. The terminator is ignored for binary operations.

You can also use the terminator to generate a bytes-available event when the BytesAvailableFcnMode is set to terminator.

Serial Port Parity C#

You can also set the Terminator property after creating the serial object, using this syntax:

Example: s = serial('COM1','Terminator','CR');

Data Types: char | string